Sunday, December 6, 2009

Halloween Joke #1 by keith

On the 12th of August 2001, a man, Lau Sai Kia was walking home at 11.30 p.m. The road was dead silent except for the crows. The only light came from the street lamps and a traffic light. With every step, he felt an unearthly presence. He quickened his pace, afraid that " Good Friends " might follow him. Behind him, he heard footsteps. He immediately turned around. Nothing. As he continued his walk, he heard a man. He was immediately immobilised with fear. He turned only to see a man with tattered clothes. The man's mouth opened and he spoke, " ... Garang Guni! Sir, you got things to sell?"

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jan 1 / Majoke trick #1

New Year's day is the 1st of january, obviously. So my little sister, which is like not very clever ( I am being nice here), would do things she does on the first of April, and any other 1st day.

And if she does not know the meaning of _________ Fools, someone has to tell her (cuz it is getting on my nerves!). Someone like keith.
You see, keith is kind of violent (actually, really violent) and he is the ultimate fan of April fools. So, once my sister says ________ fools again, WHACK!, my sister will pay. By the way, keith hits real hard.
Majoke trick #1 (by Keith Lim)
1. Take 4 Js
2. Take 3 random cards ( 3 cards must be on top og 4 Js)
3.Stack them together
4.Show only the 4Js
5.Place them on top of the deck
6.Place 3 cards in the middle
7.Show that the 4 Js are still there!
If failed:
1.Just say: Where the hell did these cards come from.
2.Just go home